“Cradle of mind” location panorama
This complex used to be an advanced laboratory of “Waderkvarn”. The corporation’s engineers were developing a revolutionary technology here — the transfer of human consciousness into mechanical shells. The project could have changed the fate of civilization, but Crossout put a stop to it. The equipment shut down, the buildings collapsed, and the ambitious plans remained on the blueprints forever.
Decades later, Aris discovered the laboratory using a module on a tower in New Fuji. He intends to complete the work of his creators. To rebuild the complex, the AI has formed an alliance with the Founders. Their engineers are clearing rubble and fixing the equipment, but access to key facilities remains closed to them. Aris and the Ravagers are rebuilding the central part of the laboratory on their own.
While the Founders are working, the Khaganate and the Syndicate are preparing for war. They haven’t forgotten how the Ravagers invaded their lands, and they believe the construction site and Aris himself pose a new threat. Attacks are becoming more frequent, and now the Founders have to not only build but also defend the facility. Some believe that an alliance with Aris is the only chance to save humanity. Others are convinced that this is a mistake that could destroy the Wasteland completely.