game world

Immerse yourself in a vast world filled with history, creative freedom, and breathtaking locations. Deserts, ruined cities, abandoned factories, and mysterious unexplored areas are waiting for you.

Crossout world history


Some died instantly, while others experienced hallucinations and unbearable pain. The source of the disease, which journalists dubbed "Crossout", and the mechanism of its action could not be determined.

While the media were still functioning, various theories about the nature of the disease were circulating—ranging from an information virus transmitted through radio waves as a result of a terrorist attack to atmospheric contamination after a meteorite impact. Some even spoke of an evolutionary leap and the emergence of a new humanity.

People fled from cities that had turned into mass graves. There was no protection from the disease, and within a few months, humanity was nearly wiped out. Only small groups of people were spared by Crossout, but it forced them to fight for survival in the desolate Wastelands.


The survivors began to gradually change, and after about fifteen years, these changes affected their appearance as well. The most noticeable metamorphoses occurred with their eyes—some began to glow, while others turned into black voids. People started to hide them beneath thick clothing and dark glasses.

But the core qualities of people remained unchanged—peace among them was impossible. The armored vehicles, originally built for survival, became increasingly armed. People formed factions to fight for control over the Valley, a place that had long been inaccessible due to an unknown anomaly and had preserved many valuable resources.

The divide

Some factions gained influence through science and technology, others developed discipline and adaptability, while some relied on intimidation and ideology. Some strive to rebuild the old world, but for others, the world is synonymous with chaos and destruction. There are also those in whom little humanity remains. They hide their faces behind masks, and their motives remain unknown.

Thus, the inhabitants of the Wastelands divided into factions, each with its own unique knowledge, technologies, and perspectives.

A new threat

But this fragile balance was shaken when the survivors encountered mysterious robots known as the Ravagers, which erased memories. Some factions united against this common enemy. What initially seemed like a deadly threat turned into a valuable source of technology, crucial for the ongoing struggle for power. This newfound advantage was enough to reignite the distrust, making them see enemies in one another once again.

This was especially true for the outsiders from the Syndicate. They arrived from the east, immediately declaring that all Ravager technologies must be destroyed, or the world could face complete annihilation. But what do words mean to those who have learned to understand only strength?


What happened to the world forever changed not only the people but also the surrounding landscape. Here, you can find dozens of awe-inspiring locations, some of which hide something sinister.


Not everyone in the new world seeks chaos and destruction; some wish to preserve knowledge of the past. The scouts from the Order of the Fallen Star are among them. They have dedicated their lives to searching for artifacts and various forms of information carriers.

Where and why they take the artifacts is unknown, but the curious Scar AB pays handsomely for any containers with the Order of the Fallen Star’s logo. Scar fears that the order might one day come for their belongings, so he hides the collection but displays a few carefully guarded exhibits to the public on special occasions.