“Punji” creation story
The “Wasteland drift” season introduced a new unusual way to cause trouble for your opponents: “Punji”. It can create energy barriers between stakes, and passing through those barriers deals a lot of harm to your enemies.
Today, the development team answers interesting questions on the specifics of the creation process of the new weapon. We hope that you will enjoy this format, and we can continue to share various insights about Crossout development. Enjoy!

Q: Why is the weapon called “Punji”? Is there a story or a specific cultural context behind that name?
A: The naming convention for Syndicate parts is based on the Eastern and Asian cultures. The name also must be associatively connected to the mechanics or appearance of the part.
In the case of “Punji”, the key idea was to associate it with one of the various traps used in the Vietnam War. This is also in line with the part of the story presented in the update: the Syndicate is using “Punji” to fight the Scavenger battle walkers that invaded their lands.
We have looked at many different traps, and “Punji” was the best fit for the name of the weapon. It refers to sharpened bamboo stakes widely used in the South East Asia in the 19–20th century. The stakes would be placed in holes or behind some vegetation in hopes that the enemy would bump into the trap.
This concept is very similar to the weapon’s design, and it helps imagine how such a deadly trap might look in the world of Crossout.

Game design
Q: What was “Punji” like during the concept stage? Were there any unexpected changes made to the original vision of “Panji” during the development phase, and if so, what caused those changes? Or did everything go according to the initial plans?
A: Not much has changed during the development process. The concept of “Punji” was initially the same way we see it in the game now. We tested different variations of its appearance shift when you hold down the launch button, but the essence of the weapon has not changed from the initial concept to the release.

Q: What was the inspiration for the look of the “turret” and the energy barrier? Why does the weapon look like it does, and what decisions led to its final appearance? What steps were taken to make the energy field look more distinctive and noticeable for the players?
A: We had the task of designing a 4x4x2 device, from the perspective of the in-game grid (1 pin = 30 cm). It was described as an epic part that places a barrier, which other players can still pass through. That’s why we decided on the “energy fence” concept.
The part belongs to the Syndicate faction, which meant we needed to depict a device that placed stakes with industrial design elements that is simple to install and easy to understand.
In terms of visuals, the key components were simple: a compartment for storing stakes and a shaft for deploying them, as well as structures supporting the weld points, because one of the most important design elements is ease of installation.
So in terms of the specification, we had to make a simple box, but we needed to make it more interesting. We like to avoid creating plain boxes, so we worked with negative space when developing the silhouette. We kept a balance of large, medium and small masses and paid attention to zones of visual tension buildup and release to achieve compositional balance.
“Punji” uses the visual language of materials and execution typical for the Syndicate. Simplicity is their preferred method to emphasize the restraint and neatness of the form.
As for the effects, they emphasize the specifics of the in-game mechanics and give the player clear signals on it.

Balance and meta
Q: Why did Crossout need a weapon like “Punji”? What did it bring to the game, and how did it improve the balance?
A: When the update was being developed, the game had the attacking gameplay meta. “Punji” was created to support alternative strategies of playing and countering aggressive opponents.

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