À quoi s'attendre dans la prochaine mise à jour d'octobre
Comme d'habitude, nous aimerions partager les dernières informations sur la prochaine mise à jour. Il y aura un événement PvE temporaire unique, une célébration d'Halloween, le retour du brawl de course et bien d'autres encore

New mecha season in Crossout. Part 3
Let’s continue to explore the next season and learn about its features. It’s finally time to talk about the new mecha legs!

New mecha season in Crossout. Part 2
Let’s continue to learn about what new features are coming in the new season.

New mecha season in Crossout. Part 1
Today we start a series of blogs about the upcoming season that will start in September.

What to expect in the upcoming August update
As usual, we would like to share the latest information about the upcoming update!