The Scavengers prefer powerful, heavy armoured vehicles. Ranged combat is their forte, and they craft massive, clunky cannons and grenade launchers just for that purpose.
Formally, Scavengers belong to the lowest branch of the Brotherhood military organization; however, in reality, they bargain with everyone. They unearth old military bases, cut containers open, and even dissect whole factories. Everything that works is transferred up the chain or sold on the black market. Anything that’s left is mended and welded to the rides. The loot is transported on trucks armoured with the wreckage parts: containers, pipes and other heavy scrap. Scavengers use World War II guns for weaponry.
Scar AB
The Collector
He’s travelled a lot and seen a lot. Survivors say that he’s got as far as the Western Sea. He’s been into different factions, made it to decent ranks in Kaganate, and lost his leg in a dispute with Khan. As a result, he was forced to run over hills with the loot, which turned out to be enough to bargain a soft spot in the Brotherhood and also a decent prosthesis.
However, later, due to his ill temper, Scar was exiled back to the West, or, to be more exact, he was sent there with an important mission as a leader of a Scavenger vanguard. Bey was more than happy with it: he could easily exchange his loot on the black market, while the Headquarters turned a blind eye to it, as long as he fulfilled the quota.
Now, Scar has relaxed a bit and engaged more in collecting, although he never really mentions exactly why he needs those fancy artefacts, some of which came to him at a very high price.