Now available
on Android and iOS
Crossout is the post-apocalyptic MMO Action game in which you can craft your unique battle vehicles from a myriad of interchangeable parts, ride them directly into combat and destroy your enemies in explosive PvP online battles in the air and on the ground.


They say that in the old days nothing extraordinary and otherworldly existed in this world. Stuff and nonsense! Sorcerers and diviners have always been alongside men, and there've always been those who believed and worshiped them. But now these madmen have grown bolder and stepped out of the shadows. And the rest had nothing left to do but respect their authority. Don't believe us? Ask Firestarters how old their rituals are.

As long as I can remember, these freaks never believed in luck. They kept trying to guess what kind of trouble lay ahead. The most dreaded of their seers is Pythia. Some say that when she was still a child, Firestarters raided her village. They abducted a couple of girls, but only one survived the trial by fire. For many years, she was locked in a temple where they nurtured her prophetic abilities. Swear on my life, they even saw Odegon there a couple of times!

Each of Pythia's prophecies is a deadly spectacle that only happens once a year. At this time the Rat King pauses his ‘Battle Royale’, and Pythia marches from the temple to the Blood Rocks. Traditions forbid her feet to touch the ground during the journey. Therefore, her path is paved with embers.

A fiery chariot with a tall tripod waits for her by the rocks to pick her up and carry away to the eye of the dawning storm. Just one little mistake — and everyone is condemned to an imminent and terrible death. Firestarters believe that during her ritual trance, Pythia sees the future in a sandstorm. Priests record her disjointed words and cast them into vague prophecies.

It is believed that throughout her training she never remembered her past life and stubbornly endured even the most difficult challenges. Pythia enjoys great respect among the ranks of Firestarters, so she is sometimes allowed to leave the temple and even command small detachments. Damn, I wouldn't wanna meet this witch in battle. Wouldn't wanna meet her, period!

The portrait ‘Pythia’ is not currently available to players. It can be seen in the raids ‘The war for fire’ and ‘Frontier defence’.

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23 August 2018